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Feel Bitter? 

Add Butter.

Feel Better!

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Take the comic timing of Lucille Ball, mix in the baking skills of Martha Stewart and add in the hulking stature of Julia Child and you have Bertha Mason, the Hausfrau of the Heartland.  

Armed with vintage aprons and family cookbooks, Bertha Mason dishes out campy sass while teaching folks the forgotten art of pie baking. Bertha brings her Midwestern charm to private parties, church suppers, gay brunches, and clown funerals.

Since 1997, Bertha has baked her way across the USA, cooking up fun in New York, Chicago, Seattle, P-town, Atlanta, Washington, D.C,  and numerous all-you can eat buffets.


Baking with Bertha performs and hosts Pie Parties in LA.

Pie Baking Parties

Book Baking with Bertha for exciting delicious pie baking parties.  Bertha comes to place armed with her recipe box, aprons, and campy knowledge of pie baking.

Parties include pie recipes, fun, games, instructions, and a good time for all.

E-mail for price list and details. 



Nothing in the oven at this time but check back in April!


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Talk of the town 

"If RuPaul, Rose Nylund, and Julia Child had a baby, she'd be Bertha Mason"

                      Evan Kleiman -KCRW

"Sassy and Funny"

               The New York Times

"Cunningly clever."


Bertha Mason has been on  

Food Network, Cooking Channel, ABC, FOX, PBS, WGN, KCRW, NPR. PRI, WGN-Radio and featured in The New York Times, Village Voice, Time-Out New York, Time-Out Chicago, Chicago Tribune,  Chicago Sun-Times, and Big Gay Ice Cream:Saucy Stories & Frozen Treats...and more.

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Let Bertha fill your pie-hole

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©202  4 Baking with Bertha. 

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